Thursday, 24 October 2013

Christmas is coming! Don't Panic!

No matter how much I intend to be organised for Christmas, it never really happens! 
Having said that, I have got plenty in stock on my website and Etsy shop  but I always feel like there could be more. Or I'm busy making things to stock up the internet shops and leave the stock taking of the boxes I keep separate for local events until the last minute and then have a panicky rush to make more for them. This year I also have to have enough stock to supply the East London shop I'll be stocking too.
So why am I blogging? Well, I epoxied some cameos and cabochons into their settings this morning, so while they set I thought I'd get round to a blog post as it's been a month since the last!
Over the last few weeks I have made a bunch of simple charm necklaces (including the ones below) for my Pirate Treasures Etsy shop  which are all under £10 - ideal for little Christmas gifts!
Simple charm necklaces
 I have a few more chunky charm necklaces with a mix of vintage and new charms for my Emporium of Curiosities Etsy shop.

Layered charm necklace
Vintage charm necklace
 I have one charm necklace which I have just added to the Pirate Treasures website ( and plan on making some more similar ones when I can delegate the time to it!
Silver charm necklace
Right, I can't put it off any longer, it's time to get the big boxes out and see what I have left from the Summer fair and plan what I need to make for the Christmas ones - I have three booked so far!

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